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The 2019 world malaria day which held at comprehensive health centre Isolo, Akure. Ondo State on the 25th  of April, 2019. The Restoration of the Dignity of Womanhood (ROTDOW) in collaboration with Ondo State Ministry of Health, Ondo State Primary Health Care Board (OSPHCDB), Vitamin angels, Business and Professional Women, Civil Society in Malaria Control Immunization and Nutrition (ACOMIN).

The world malaria day was celebrated annually but this was unique, it started with an opening prayer, registration starts immediately, recognition of high tabled and dignity were highly welcomed.

The welcome address was taken by the CEO of the Restoration of the Dignity of Womanhood (ROTDOW) in the person of Mrs Olabisi Omolona who welcomes everybody present at the program. Mrs Titilope Akinlolu (OSPHCB) gave her own lecture on the environment and health.

 The goodwill message was given by Mrs Akinlatan (BPW) also talked on malaria in pregnancy who advise all pregnant women should go for malaria test and they should take intermittent prevention treatment (IPT) after 13 weeks of pregnancy or first move of the body.

A short speech was presented by Mrs Omolona on malaria, the causes, how to recognize, who are most risk of malaria and prevention. Being what the theme is “Zero malaria starts with me” she said malaria can be prevented early if these symptoms show up shivering and cold, bitters in the mouth,  loss of appetite, aches and body pains should be prevented through use of mosquito nets, indoor spraying with insecticides, use of Artemisin  Based Combination (ACTs).

The distribution of gifts by Mrs Omolona to the pregnant women and nursing mothers are long last insecticides nets (LLIN) and the multi-vitamin supplement was handed over to the matron of the health centre for distribution.

The 2019 world malaria day has celebrated The Restoration of the Dignity of Womanhood (ROTDOW) in two states Ogun and  Ondo State on the 25th April 2019 on the same day respectively. The Ogun state was held in Mowe redemption camp health centres, with pregnant women and nursing mothers, the lecture was given by Dr Kenneth Paseda.

The events were coordinated by the program officer Ogun State Olaronke Olajide Oyadiran.

There were 50 women and 30 children in attendances, all the health officers in the clinic were presented.

Eventually vote of thanks was made by Mr Junaid Adeyemi who appreciate everybody presents wishing them good health.

Pictures were taken and refreshment served, the meeting came to a close at 12:00 pm.

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